1962 - 1970
Traditional Assemblies were held and the alumni returned to support their team, their school and their community. It was a true Homecoming where the alumni were allowed to come to the dance for free and helped performed in the Assemblies.
1970 - 1985
Boom Boom (John Dahlem) 1983 HC |
Bubbles (Rick Martens) 1985 HC |
The Legend of Boom Boom (John Dahlem) was well known at Loara High School during the 1970 - 1985 school years. Boom Boom performed at all Homecoming Assemblies (until Homecoming 1984) and helped the faculty start the annual tradition of entertaining the Loara community. Although "political correctness" would not support Boom Boom today, many Saxons fondly remember her dances and cheers for the football team. For awhile Boom Boom's little sister Bubbles the Ballerina (Rick Martens, class of 75) came to perform but was short lived (1984 - 1987) as the Loara community changed. Bubbles was initiated in 1985 and it was also the year they began the teachers Lip Sync, which is the tradition that is carried on today.
Seaxe 1985 Farewell to Boom Boom |
1985 to the present
The all teacher lip sync came out of need. Boom Boom retired her wig to become a Principal at Ball Junior High School, Loara's feeder school. There was a concern to what came next after Boom Boom but with numbers like LMFAO and Psy and the teachers willingness to participate, we really solidified the next era of Homecoming Assemblies. Our audience this year was filled with alumni and they were treated to a spectacle of cheers and spirit. Along with the all teacher lip sync we have a 35 minute student assembly with performances from Cheer, Color Guard and Student Groups ... Loara's assemblies are legendary.
Oh yeah...epic!